Las Vegas Wrongful Death Attorney

The Centers for Disease Control reports that over just one year in the mid 2000s, there were almost 20,000 fatalities from slip and fall accidents. There were also over 5,800 fatalities due to incidents in the workplace and an upsetting number of deaths due to “preventable medical errors” – 98,000. Not all of these fatalities would qualify as wrongful death claims. However, a substantial number might, if the survivors pursued their cases.

If you’ve lost a spouse, parent or child due to a third party’s negligence or recklessness, an experienced Las Vegas attorney at the Drummond Law Firm is available to discuss your case – for free – at your convenience. Our team has a long history of settling wrongful death cases. Moreover, we work with clients on a contingency basis. This means not only there no upfront fees in your case. Moreover, you’ll only owe us a fee if we win.

Wrongful death is defined as “the taking of an individual’s life resulting from the willful or negligent act of another person or persons,” and, as you can probably tell from this definition, the category covers a fairly wide range of actions and behaviors resulting in another party’s death. This can include:

  • Medical malpractice that results in death
  • Car accident
  • Failure to fence off a backyard swimming pool
  • Criminal behavior
  • Drunk or generally reckless driving that causes a fatal collision
  • Prescription errors that result in a medical patient’s death
  • Unguarded stairs
  • Poorly lit common areas
  • Sub-standard maintenance of an apartment building that result in a resident or visitor’s death
  • Defective products

These are some examples of the cause of a wrongful death. The conduct of the defendant leading to a wrongful death claim can be either deliberate (murder) or simply negligent.

Unique Aspects of Nevada’s Wrongful Death Statute

Many aspects of wrongful death statutes vary state-by-state, and Nevada’s has a few unique aspects that our wrongful death attorney can help explain in greater detail if they apply to your case. Nevada recognizes two classes of plaintiff. The first category covers claims brought on behalf of the deceased party’s estate to help recover “special damages.” These damages include medical and funeral expenses. The second includes plaintiffs who qualify “as heirs under Nevada’s laws of intestate succession.”

It should also be noted that even if they’re listed as beneficiaries in the victim’s will, unmarried partners, fiancées, foster and stepchildren can’t sue for wrongful death.

Compensation & Punitive Damages Protect Your Future

Lets be honest, the concept of putting “cost” or “price” on a human life is offensive to most of us. And the challenge of placing value on a lost family member’s life is just one of the difficult challenges we face when pursuing wrongful death claims for our clients.

However, we have to work within the laws as they exist today. And, when our attorneys take on a case, we make it our mission to serve the survivors by getting the best settlement possible. We know that compensation for a dead spouse’s lost wages and pain and suffering won’t alleviate your grief. However, it could pave the way to a better life for you as you fight through your grief. It could also help your children as they pursue their education and prepare for the future.

Remember that insurance companies aren’t on your side; they’re businesses out to make a profit. To receive the compensation you deserve, you need strong negotiators working for you. And when cases move beyond the negotiation phase, our Las Vegas wrongful death attorney is a strong litigator too. Our legal team can help you receive restitution for:

  • funeral costs,
  • medical bills,
  • loss of income, as well as
  • pain and suffering.

If your loved one’s death was caused by “wanton disregard” on the part of the defendant, we can also advise you on whether the circumstances of your wrongful death case warrant filing a claim for punitive damages as well.

Contact us online or call (702) 366-9966 today for a free case evaluation.