Las Vegas Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer



Your spinal cord, along with your brain, is part of your body’s central nervous system. While your brain performs as the command center, the spinal cord is the conduit through which it sends messages to the rest of the body. If you’ve experienced a spinal cord injury in Las Vegas due to a car crash or other accident, you will likely have extensive medical expenses – both to deal with the immediate injury and to cover the long-term costs of rehabilitation and recovery. You need an experienced and trustworthy spinal cord injury lawyer to protect your rights and maximize the damages you recover so that you can maintain your quality of life. Our Las Vegas spinal cord lawyers will help you negotiate a fair settlement with an insurance company or decide whether to pursue litigation, and will be by your side throughout the entire process.

las vegas spinal cord injury lawyer

Types of spinal cord Injuries

There are approximately 300,000 -400,000 people living with spinal cord injuries (SCI) in the United States, and about 17,000 new (SCI) cases each year. Spinal cord injuries can result in different levels of severity, depending on how much of the spinal cord was damaged. Most cases are caused by trauma to the spine (the vertebral column) and affect its ability to send and receive messages from the brain.

Tetraplegia is paralysis caused by injury that results in partial or total loss of all four limbs, where paraplegia only affects the legs. Usually, both sensory and motor function are affected. A complete spinal cord injury causes total loss of all motor and sensory functions below the level of injury. An incomplete spinal cord injury is where some function remains.

Incomplete tetraplegia means that all four limbs experience partial paralysis and is the most frequent spinal cord injury reported, followed by incomplete and complete paraplegia. In all cases, less than 1% of people experience complete neurological recovery by the time they’re discharged from the hospital. Average expenses for the first year of care, included health care costs and living expenses, can range from almost $500,000 for any motor function damage to over $1 million for tetraplegia. Lifetime care costs can range from over $1 million to over $5 million, depending on the extent of injury and age when the injury occurred.

Not only are the yearly expenses exorbitant, but spinal cord injuries have other effects. The divorce rate among spinal cord injury victims 1-year post-injury is about 10% but increases to about 20% at year 10. Additionally, only 17% of victims are able to maintain employment in the first year after injury. This is likely due to the extent of follow-up care needed, as many people with a spinal cord injury must be hospitalized one or more times during the first year after injury.

Who is responsible for a SPINAL CORD INJURY?

When the negligence of someone else caused or contributed to your injury, a Las Vegas spinal cord attorney may be able to establish that their action or inaction caused your injury to help you recover damages and costs for your care. A person or company can be found negligent if you can establish that they failed to recognize reasonable care, that their failure to exercise care was the cause of the injury, and that you suffered your injury as a result of them failing to exercise care. Nevada does have a statutory limitation on how long you have to file a claim for negligence in your spinal cord injury case. You must file your claim within 24 months (2 years) from the date of the injury. A failure to do will result in your case being automatically dismissed.

While some states disqualify plaintiffs from recovering for an injury if they are found to be in any way at fault, Nevada follows the theory of modified comparative fault. Under this method, a plaintiff’s recovery is reduced by their percentage of fault (unless they are found to be 50% or more responsible for causing the accident.) A Las Vegas spinal cord attorney will help you establish the defendant’s negligence, as well as defend you against any claims of contributory negligence, to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

What Types of Accidents Result in SPINAL CORD INJURIES?

The biggest cause of spinal cord injuries in the United States is motor vehicle accidents for those under 65. For people over 65, falls are the leading cause. Spinal cord injuries also occur due to sports accidents, bicycle accidents, construction site accidents, and physical assault and gunshot wounds. About half of spinal cord injuries occur in people aged 16-30, with over 80% of them occurring in men.

Spinal cord trauma can cause:

  • Extreme pain or pressure in the neck, head, or back
  • Loss of sensation or tingling in the hands and feet
  • Partial or complete loss of control over any part of the body
  • Incontinence and loss of control over the bowels
  • Abnormal sensations in the body
  • Impaired breathing

All of these effects can have long term living expenses and medical costs associated with them. Our Las Vegas spinal cord injury attorneys can help you recover compensation for:

  • Emergency room treatment
  • Medical expenses associated with the injury
  • Rehabilitation care and long-term care
  • Anticipated future care based on the extent of your injury
  • Lost earnings and diminished future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering and emotional distress
  • Permanent impairment
  • Reduction in quality of life
  • Wrongful death

Finding the Best Las Vegas SPINAL CORD INJURY Lawyer

It can be difficult to find the right lawyer for you. Victims have a chance to pursue compensation but they need to make sure they get the compensation they need for their recovery. Look for an experienced, award-winning law firm to give you the best chances of winning. Find a lawyer that can give you a fast, effective evaluation to help you make important decisions. The best lawyers can take your case without charging you ANY fees until they recover! The personal injury law team at Drummond Law Firm has your best interests in mind with our Reduced Fee Guarantee®. You don’t pay anything until we WIN your case.


How long does it take to recover from a spinal cord injury?

Recovery from a spinal cord injury is a long and intensive process. Some spinal cord injuries, like those resulting in paralysis, people will never be able to fully recover from. Other injuries can take from six months to several years for recovery.

Can I sue for a spinal cord injury?

If you or a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury that was due to someone else’s negligence or intentional actions, they may be held responsible for your injuries. In this case, it is possible to file a personal injury lawsuit in order to get the compensation you deserve.

How can a spinal cord injury lawyer help my case?

A good spinal cord injury lawyer will begin representing on your behalf so that you can focus on your recovery. They will obtain all the necessary documentation, medical records, and police reports needed to build your case. An experienced Las Vegas spinal cord injury lawyer will help place the liability for your injuries on the negligent party.


If it happened in Vegas®… Call us. We are not just spinal cord injury lawyers — We are Las Vegas Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers and we are committed to YOU! Drummond Law Firm ALWAYS offers a FREE initial consultation, we’ll even arrange transportation. You only pay when we WIN your case — Our spinal cord injury lawyers are focused on getting you the maximum compensation for your recovery. If you are suffering a spinal cord injury that was caused by another person’s negligence — We are here to help.

  • Have financial peace of mind! We are the only firm in Nevada to offer the Reduced Fee Guarantee®
  • FREE initial consultation
  • An experienced, award-winning law firm

If you have been injured in an accident the first thing you need to do is seek medical assistance. Once safe to do so, call our office before speaking with the insurance companies – We can provide you with professional, effective advice for how to move forward and begin to build your case. We make the entire legal process as simple as possible for you, our team will handle your claim on your behalf while keeping you in the loop. We are by your side to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Our #1 goal is getting you the money you need to relieve the financial burden that can follow after a spinal cord injury. Don’t pay the price for someone else’s negligence — Let our Las Vegas Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer do the hard work for you. Contact us today for assistance with your broken bone case.