Las Vegas Internal Injury Attorney

Internal injuries are dangerous because they aren’t visible to the naked eye but can result in rapid blood loss and even death if not treated promptly. If you’ve sustained this type of injury as a result of someone else’s careless or reckless actions, Nevada allows you to pursue the recovery of damages from the at-fault party through a personal injury lawsuit. An experienced Las Vegas internal injury lawyer can help you to understand this process.

las vegas internal injury lawyer

Types of Internal Injuries

There are several different internal injuries, all of which are considered serious injuries. Some of the more common injuries of this type to be the subject of a personal injury claim include:

  • Internal bleeding, which can occur in the head or neck area, the abdomen, the stomach, or gastrointestinal tract. Signs of internal bleeding can include blood in the stool or urine, weakness, and shortness of breath. Internal blood loss is dangerous as it can cause organ failure and death.
  • Broken ribs, which generally present as a sharp pain in your side and can be deadly if the jagged end of the fractured bone punctures one of the body’s organs. One of the common complications of a broken rib is a pneumothorax, which occurs when the rib punctures a lung.
  • A ruptured spleen. The spleen has the important function of helping the body fight off infections.
  • Collarbone fractures, which are often caused by the seat belt in car accidents.
  • Abdominal aorta aneurysm, which is a rupture to the lower part of the aorta, which is responsible for delivering blood throughout the body. This condition often progresses slowly at first, before a rapid and deadly progression.
  • Liver or kidney damage. These are the two organs most commonly injured in accidents, due to their location in the body and the likelihood of becoming damaged by a sudden or violent blow.

Internal injuries can involve penetration of an object into the abdominal cavity or blunt trauma, which occurs when the body is slammed against a hard surface. Common symptoms of internal bleeding include:

This information is not medical advice and it is important for you to see your doctor as soon as you notice any of the above symptoms or have other reason to believe that you have sustained an internal injury.


Internal injuries are often caused by collisions or incidents that are the result of someone else’s negligent, careless, reckless, or intentional actions. Who that individual or company is and how they were responsible for the incident that caused your injuries depends on the details of your case. In order to prove that an individual is responsible for your injuries, you must be able to show the following elements:

  • The at-fault party owed you a duty of care. The duty of care that one individual owes to another generally involves behaving legally, safely, and in a way that a reasonable person would behave in similar circumstances.
  • There was a breach in the duty of care. The breach refers to the actions that the at-fault party took that were contrary to the duty of care that he or she owed to you.
  • This breach resulted in the accident, which caused your injury and subsequent expenses and impacts on your life.

Some individuals commonly named as defendants in cases involving internal injuries include:

  • Motorists who cause an accident.
  • Employers, whose employees caused a transportation accident during the course of their regular work-related duties.
  • Property owners who fail to ensure that their property is free from hazards that could cause injury to guests.
  • Manufacturers or distributors of products that are found to be unsafe for consumers, even when used according to the instruction label.

What Types of Accidents Result in Internal Injuries?

The violence of a motor vehicle collision is the most common culprit for internal injuries, as a car accident provides ample opportunity for the body to make hard contact against surfaces. In addition to car accidents, this type of injury can occur in the following ways:

  • Accidents involving trucks, bikes, or motorcycles.
  • Slip and fall accidents occurring either in the home, in the workplace, in parks and other outdoor gathering areas, or in a place of business.
  • Accidents involving defective vehicle parts or other products.
  • Intentional acts of violence, including assault, domestic violence, and child abuse.

Finding the Best Las Vegas Internal Injury Lawyer

Those who have suffered internal injuries in Las Vegas accidents can pursue the recovery of damages (payment made in compensation of physical harm) through a couple of different processes, including: worker’s compensation or a personal injury case. The Drummond Law Firm focuses mainly on personal injury claims and lawsuits.


A Personal Injury Lawsuit

A personal injury lawsuit is a legal claim filed in civil court within two years after the date of the injury. If your internal injury was not the result of a work-related accident, a worker’s compensation claim is likely the process you would use to recover damages including medical expenses, lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, property damage, and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering or emotional distress.

The personal injury law team at Drummond Law Firm has your best interests in mind with our Reduced Fee Guarantee®. You don’t pay anything until we WIN your case.


What are signs of internal injury?

Some of the common signs of internal injury include (but are not limited to):

  • Severe abdominal pain – particularly after a blunt trauma
  • Pain in the left arm and shoulder pain (indicating possible spleen injury)
  • Pain in the right side of the abdomen and right shoulder (indicating possible liver injury)
  • Blood in the urine (indicating possible kidney injury)
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
Can I sue for an internal injury?

If you or a loved one suffered an internal injury that was due to someone else’s negligence or intentional actions, they may be held responsible for your injuries. In this case, it may be possible to file a personal injury lawsuit in order to get the compensation you deserve. Contact our office for a free consultation and case review.

How can an internal injury lawyer help my case?

A good internal injury lawyer will begin representing on your behalf so that you can focus on your recovery. They will obtain all the necessary documentation, medical records, and police reports needed to build your case. An experienced Las Vegas internal injury lawyer will help place the liability for your injuries on the negligent party and get you the compensation you deserve.


If it happened in Vegas®… Call us. We are not just internal injury lawyers — We are Las Vegas Internal Injury Lawyers and we are committed to YOU! Drummond Law Firm ALWAYS offers a FREE initial consultation, we’ll even arrange transportation. You only pay when we WIN your case — Our internal injury lawyers are focused on getting you the maximum compensation for your recovery. If you are suffering from an internal injury that was caused by another person’s negligence — We are here to help.

  • Have financial peace of mind! We are the only firm in Nevada to offer the Reduced Fee Guarantee®
  • FREE initial consultation
  • An experienced, award-winning law firm

If you have been injured in an accident the first thing you need to do is seek medical assistance. Once safe to do so, call our office before speaking with the insurance companies – We can provide you with professional, effective advice for how to move forward and begin to build your case. We make the entire legal process as simple as possible for you, our team will handle your claim on your behalf while keeping you in the loop. We are by your side to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Our #1 goal is getting you the money you need to relieve the financial burden that can follow after an internal injury. Don’t pay the price for someone else’s negligence — Let our Las Vegas Internal Injury Lawyer do the hard work for you. Contact us today for assistance with your internal injury case.